Sunday, April 5, 2009

ferris wheels, marble run and lots of fun!

Today Peter-Leo and I tackled his Knex Ferris Wheel that Aunt Dana, Uncle Everrett and the girls bought him. He did most of the work, he still needs practice connecting the visual picture with the real pieces, but I did one example and he'd do the rest on his own. We had fun.

Peter-Leo starting the base structure.Peter-Leo finishing the base structure that the ferris wheel attachs to.
Peter-Leo put together the wheel spokes and attached them to the base.
Attaching the first outer frame and seats to the wheel.Attaching more framing and seats.Attaching the last frame and seat to the ferris wheel spokes.
Pushing the very last, final, no more stinkin little bits, piece into place.
Our finished product....however my Dad sent him other Knex sets and now we have to do those too! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!Here is Monty trying to keep Kody busy while I worked with Peter-Leo. They built another marble run set.

1 comment:

Tia Prostrollo said...

aww! he is soo cute in these pictures (:
and he seems so focused when he sets his mind to something