Thursday, April 9, 2009

and it started out innocently enough..

Being the picture taker nut that I am...we were all outside playing so nice..

Peter-Leo and I. While I have a special bond with both my kids...Peter-Leo and I are super tight. We've been through 3 deployments as a team!A rare thing...a picture of Monty and the same shot...together! GASP!Peter-Leo and Monty... the boys.. Here is where things started to go all 'wrong' LOL!

It wasn't enough for Peter-Leo to pull ears...Kody had to join in on the fun!Double Stack on Daddy!

And then....Monty got out the hose...
Spraying Peter...although I was soaked as well...

Peter-Leo and Kody...I think they were formulating a plan...Peter-Leo starts the spray down on Monty! Kody's revenge! She had such a good time spraying us!And then the tears came out....Mommy turned the water off! What a party pooper! Bad Mommy!

Personal Insight: Between bad days and worse days, deployments and school, scouts and church, family harshships and personal struggles... it is amazing how simple things can make it all worthwhile. I remember a line from the movie "Charlie", while attending a family gathering at Sam's home on one of those perfect days, Charlie (yes, she is a girl, real name Charlene) leans over to ask his mom "is everyday like this?" Her reply is "no, only on the good days." Today was one of those good days, one to write down and remember forever.

1 comment:

Audra said...

I totally agree Michelle. It seems that in the hardest of days Heavenly Father will give me a small glimpse like the one you experienced and then I have renewed faith in what I am doing as a mother, and find that I look forward and anxiously await that next little glimpse of sunshine amidst the rain.