Sunday, April 26, 2009


Just another Sunday afternoon-one of the kids favorite things to do is paint. Here are a couple photos.

Peter-Leo found a rock that he had to paint.
Peter-Leo had to take a break to let one side dry. So, meanwhile, he went to check on Kody's progress.
Kody almost always demands that Peter-Leo look at her masterpieces.
Kody is a very serious painter!
Kody, just like Peter-Leo, loves to do any type of art. Glue, marker, crayon anything! She especially loves painting.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Updating again...

Today I walked four miles in the March of Dimes Walk that took place in Savannah. It was hot, but I had fun. I spent most of the walk with another classmate (Renita) and she is just one of those most fanastic people that exist in the world! It was great talking to her, since I haven't seen her in a while. The only sad part was our friend/classmate, Sabrina wasn't there. Sabrina is always a crack up and soooo much fun to be around! She always has great stories, great advice and a great spirit about her! Maybe next year she'll be able to come (hee-hee!)
Afterwards, I came home and took a long nap with Kody. And tonight I took a hot bath! So relaxing!
In other news, I scored a depressing 75% on my math exam. Oh, bother! And I am not looking forward to next week when we start graphing equations! YUCK!

New Revelations: Ok, so I don't normally go about rambling incoherently on my blog page (I save that for facebook) but here we go.

I've found that during the past year or so I've changed, what I like has changed, who I like to hang out with changed. Despite what I project to most people, I am quite shy and reserved. However, I've kind of gotten used to be loud, bold and adventurous. It's fun. An example of this is last Sunday we were having dinner the Prostrollo's house and I took our ATV out for a drive about the lake. Well, I just fell in love with this mud puddle and drained it! I must of slid, run through, quickly stopped and spun out in the mud for a hour! I came back to the house, pretty dirty, covered in mud. Everyone was shocked that "Michelle" would do that. It was fun, reminded me of when I was little, before I had to be responsible.
I found that there are certain foods that I love Salt and Vineager chips for one thing. I LOVE THOSE THINGS! Again, not something "Michelle" would eat.
Part of me feels like I am breaking free! It's nice to be me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Momma and the kids before church services.
Monty and Michelle...together....
This is by far my most favorite picture of Kody on Easter. So precious!Full week of her dress and sandals.Peter-Leo and Kody and yes this is the best shot we could get!One shot of Daddy and Peter-Leo.
One family shot-take it or leave it!
The next two shots are the kids playing in the water, and yes it was about 80 degrees on Easter was beautiful!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Driving Miss Kody

Today while Monty was pulling the truck around to the back, Kody wanted a ride. Since we only have one car seat, riding in Daddy's truck is a BIG deal! This morning was even bigger because Kody got to drive...sort of.

I love this last photo as it really sums up the unique bond they have together. A true daddy-daughter bond.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

and it started out innocently enough..

Being the picture taker nut that I am...we were all outside playing so nice..

Peter-Leo and I. While I have a special bond with both my kids...Peter-Leo and I are super tight. We've been through 3 deployments as a team!A rare thing...a picture of Monty and the same shot...together! GASP!Peter-Leo and Monty... the boys.. Here is where things started to go all 'wrong' LOL!

It wasn't enough for Peter-Leo to pull ears...Kody had to join in on the fun!Double Stack on Daddy!

And then....Monty got out the hose...
Spraying Peter...although I was soaked as well...

Peter-Leo and Kody...I think they were formulating a plan...Peter-Leo starts the spray down on Monty! Kody's revenge! She had such a good time spraying us!And then the tears came out....Mommy turned the water off! What a party pooper! Bad Mommy!

Personal Insight: Between bad days and worse days, deployments and school, scouts and church, family harshships and personal struggles... it is amazing how simple things can make it all worthwhile. I remember a line from the movie "Charlie", while attending a family gathering at Sam's home on one of those perfect days, Charlie (yes, she is a girl, real name Charlene) leans over to ask his mom "is everyday like this?" Her reply is "no, only on the good days." Today was one of those good days, one to write down and remember forever.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

ferris wheels, marble run and lots of fun!

Today Peter-Leo and I tackled his Knex Ferris Wheel that Aunt Dana, Uncle Everrett and the girls bought him. He did most of the work, he still needs practice connecting the visual picture with the real pieces, but I did one example and he'd do the rest on his own. We had fun.

Peter-Leo starting the base structure.Peter-Leo finishing the base structure that the ferris wheel attachs to.
Peter-Leo put together the wheel spokes and attached them to the base.
Attaching the first outer frame and seats to the wheel.Attaching more framing and seats.Attaching the last frame and seat to the ferris wheel spokes.
Pushing the very last, final, no more stinkin little bits, piece into place.
Our finished product....however my Dad sent him other Knex sets and now we have to do those too! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!Here is Monty trying to keep Kody busy while I worked with Peter-Leo. They built another marble run set.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

for that certain someone....

that checks my blog... I've got a story for you.
So, I am standing at the directors desk of a childcare center, watching one of my instructor's child rip a paper plate art project off the wall. So, I say to the little child, "no, baby don't do that." Now, for the person reading this, she knows that I know that that instructor's child is deaf, so I guess saying it to the child's back didn't help because she can't hear me-she's deaf! DUH!! I guess because I hear so many great stories about this wonderful little child and her adventures I don't automatically remember she can't hear. DUH Michelle!! Anywho...that's my goofy moment for the day...stay tuned for more stories tomorrow as I am sure they will come.....