Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Notes to self for 16 September


Just thought I'd post a couple of my "notes to self"-or things that I have "learned through experience." as we say.

First...note to self...when mowing the yard on a riding not attempt to do a "donut" in the grass (where tree roots might be) the only thing that will happen is that you pull the tire off the rim...not a good thing!

Note to self....remember that professors have lives too. They do not solely exist to grade papers, projects and "resource/collection finals" and immediately report the grade to you. Patience young grasshopper!

Note to self...never let your 22 month old daughter have a glue stick because she might confuse it with chapstick or decide that your dog isn't colorful enough and glue paper to it. oooopppps!

I think that's about it for me. It's been a very bitter sweet week, while I am very glad the summer quarter is over, I had to say goodbye to my most favorite instructor, as she took a new job at a college far, far away from us!
With the exception of the kids playing and Between the Lions theme music going nonstop, it's pretty quiet around here.

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