Monday, August 24, 2009

Garden is on it's way...and algebra dismay!

Ok, let's get the sad dismay done first....I am failing this class..seriously...and not my "failing" (which is what a C is) but actually failing it. At a miserably feeble, ridiculiously sad 56%. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! I knew that was a reason why I held off doing math...I stink at it! Ask Monty...Monday through Saturday nights I sit and do homework....and I still fail the quizzes and tests. How depressing-this is one of those times when I wish I didn't have any integrity and pay someone to take my class for me!! The price I pay!

On to much better garden seems to be doing ok. I've got 3 zucchini coming up, 8 pumpkins sprouts, a big bunch of basil and lots of tomatoe my green beans are looking great and tall!!

Here's to miracles...that my garden produces produce and that there is some type of hail mary pass in algebra!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hopeless in the garden patch!

Ok, if my life weren't busy enough...already failing Algebra/Trig...but still I decide that my tiny patch of dirt...isn't enough and little tomato plants will need more room....eventually
With that said I made Monty borrow a rototiller from Cathy and Russ P. and get me a bigger patch of dirt! And he did!
What's even better, he added "new" dirt and a compost mixture made from cow manure. Nothing says love like cow manure compost-NOTHING I TELL YOU! NOTHING! After all his hard work, Kody and I began the process of pulling out all the branches, roots, grass clumps and rocks. I knew Kody would love the dirt- small kid + dirt = happiness! But look at the huge root I pulled up!
And finally we finished, tomorrow we should be able to plant some stuff and get my little patch of dirt growing yummy goodness!!
Oh, would not Molly be sooo proud of me now!!
I'll let you know how my garden grows.