Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pinewood Derby photos

Not going to write much, other than all the kids had fun (and yes that includes Monty.)
Peter sanding his car after Monty cut the shape out.

"See! See! SEE!!" Yes, Kody we see your pretty pink pinewood derby car!

Peter was very careful when painting his car.

Kody just coloring her car some can never have too much pink!

Monty and the kids at Pinewood Derby.

Monty and Peter, just one more year and then Peter will be a cub scout. Monty is very excited!

What else can I say but "Daddy's girl."

Monty running the track and races at Pinewood Derby.

Peter relaxing and waiting for his turn to race his derby car!

Too bad she move the car up, the whole face was just priceless! Cheesy!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

dinosaur bulletin board & my new curriculum partner

lots of pictures..for ya'll!
for part of my curriculum class we were able to choose a theme and build around it. Most of it is a lot of work, however there are three projects that are just pure fun! This is one of them. A bulletin board! Obviously my theme is dinosaurs as they are something that I just love to read and learn about. Below are some pictures for ya'll to see.
the big picture...can you dig it?!!

my main idea was to have the children "find" the skeleton parts and "rebuild" a dinosaur. So, behind each rock (aka painted sand paper) are laminated pieces that can be moved around (velcro of course) and attached to the complete skeleton above.

Below is a close up so you can see how the sandpaper just moves to unearth the fossil remains (in this case triceratops skulls and frill)
I tried to use batting as clouds and angle the first part of the title down to give it a different effect. Did it work?And lastly, I bet you are wondering....about this picture aren't you?

A couple days ago we were discussing what type of learner we (meaning classmates) were according to Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Mine was intrapersonal, meaning I like to work alone and I learn better on my own instead of in a group. had to divide into partners, but obviously it was an odd number, so my instructor playing on the previous day's topic asked if I'd "work alone since I am intrapersonal and don't like working in group..." (of course, she said it in her sweet and sassy voice so she wasn't being mean.) but I said it was no big deal and I would. During the second half, she told us "to consult with your partner before answering the questions I ask you." So, I drewa face (while you can tell I am not an artist) and taped it to the chair next to me. And during the questions I would lean over and "consult" with my partner, giving it a "high five" and just being goofy. It was so fun. I am so glad that my instructor has a good sense of humor and lets us have a good time while we are learning....even if it is by myself..hee-hee!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

why I don't do school work on Sundays...

ok, so on my facebook page I made the comment that I wanted Sunday to be over so I could do schoolwork (especially lesson plans.) I do this because, Sunday is the sabbath and it's a way for me to keep the day the Lord's day and show the Lord that at least once a week I am putting Him first. Although I still want to do work, I refrain-which is very hard. Since all my super stellar ideas come on Sundays and I can only write them down. And if you are a super stellar overachiever, such as I, you know that when a stellar idea comes you should work on it right away while all the super stellar brain juices are flowing! Am I right or am I right!?!
But blessings will come as they have come I wait..

Monday, February 9, 2009

Audra's tag your it fill out the survey, send to 100 of your closest friends thingee...

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. woke up
2. made Monty break the sabbath and buy me a cherry coke
3. ate toast
4. talked on the phone
5. prepared next week's nursery lesson
6. overcame the urge to do school work (although I really, really needed to)
7. Took a shower
8. went to bed early and missed the Naked Archaeologist episode.
8 Movies I Love To Watch:
1. The Notebook
2. Much Ado About Nothing
3. The Little Rascals
4. Disney's Beauty and the Beast
5. Rudy
6. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the older one)
7. The RM (just so I can say "everybody's got a little soriety in them!"
8. Hoosiers
8 Things On My Wish List:
1. to be a pass pre-algebra 98
2. to be pass pre-algebra 99
3. finish all of my curriculum work
4. a bigger house (with my own office and work space)
5. to live closer to family
6. a husband that isn't messy....big dreams I know..
7. to find peace for my soul
8. to be skinny!

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. finishing curriculum
2.finishing school
3. finding a new house as soon as monty finds a new job
4. peace
5. being invinsible!
6. seeing my dad in December (and no the tool belt strings are not cut and never will be!)
7. the day my dad wins the lottery..
8. monty going back to much as I love him...all this time together is driving me nuts!!
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Mellow Mushroom
2. Sonic
3. Pirate House
4. Olive Gardon
5. Wendy's
6. Azteca (in washington state).
7. Taco Time (again in washington state...everything is fresh!!!)
8. Sweet Potatoes

All for you Audra....all for you....:)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kody's daycare....

I just had to post these as I think they are very cute. And no it is not a crime scene! At her daycare, during nap time all the kids get little padded cots and their blankets. They are spaced out throughout the room, so one day Kody was playing at home and she laid down all her babies and put blankets on them...just like daycare. She even sat down next to one of the babies and was patting them on the back and singing to them-just like daycare. Too cute!

Peter-Leo's birthday...the big 07!!

Saturday we celebrated Peter-Leo's 7th birthday! He had four friends come over and we rented one of those jumpy castles with slide. He had so much fun!! Here are some pictures! Peter-Leo, age 3 at Grandma Penny and Grandpa Roy's house.
Peter-Leo, age 7, my how he has grown!! Peter-leo and Kody jumping big shot of jumpee

Peter-leo on the slide

Peter-leo and his birthday cake.

Kids eating cake and ice cream in the playset club house.

Peter-Leo opening presents with his friends.

Our backyard playground...

Our new playset for the kids. Monty worked on it for a couple days!! We love it and the kids love it even more!!
The playset. Peter on the monkey bars, his favorite part.

Peek a boo! Kody loves the playset too!

Peter looking out the play set's house window. Almost like jail...

Kody, the expert slider, loves to have someone watch her slide down!