Kody was dressed in pink as the pig Wilbur and I was the girl, Fern. I decorated the back of our RAV4 as Wilbur's pen and had the main animals set up and anyways...easier for ya'll to look then me explain
Of course....we can not forget our super spy with his serious spy face!
Sadly I wasn't able to get any photos of the kids actually trick or treating, but here are two shots of Kody towards the end of the night...
And she is done..done with walking..done with candy...done done done!!
Peter had a blast running about with all his friends from church, so much so that I barely saw him...but I heard those boys playing and having a good time. Kody is still unsure of what this holiday is all about...she quickly learned if she held up her plastic pumpkin pail and smiled...someone would hand her candy. Alas, even that lost it's charm after 5 minutes and she was done. And now it's off to dreamland for both of them...although I seriously doubt that there are any sugarplums dancing in their heads...maybe a laffy taffy or snickers bar.
love to all!