Friday, October 31, 2008

A spy, a pig and a Fern..

Halloween was so much fun for the kids! Peter was a spy this he did not want to be part of our theme....which was Charlotte's Web...
Kody was dressed in pink as the pig Wilbur and I was the girl, Fern. I decorated the back of our RAV4 as Wilbur's pen and had the main animals set up and anyways...easier for ya'll to look then me explain
Here is a day shot of the back..

Of course....we can not forget our super spy with his serious spy face!

And all of those top secret super spy tools!! (look out 007!)

Sadly I wasn't able to get any photos of the kids actually trick or treating, but here are two shots of Kody towards the end of the night...

Our ET photo...

And she is done..done with walking..done with candy...done done done!!

Peter had a blast running about with all his friends from church, so much so that I barely saw him...but I heard those boys playing and having a good time. Kody is still unsure of what this holiday is all about...she quickly learned if she held up her plastic pumpkin pail and smiled...someone would hand her candy. Alas, even that lost it's charm after 5 minutes and she was done. And now it's off to dreamland for both of them...although I seriously doubt that there are any sugarplums dancing in their heads...maybe a laffy taffy or snickers bar.

love to all!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Peter and Kody busting a move!!

Every night I usually play a few songs for the kids to dance to in the kitchen. Most of the time it is Crazy Frog, Crazy Frog Popcorn, the Hamster Dance, the Gummy Bear Song and the Cha-cha slide. Here is video of the kids dancing....since I don't dance....their dancing genes are from Monty!! hee-hee!

I once knew a toothfairy...

Ok, most of you know that Peter is loosing teeth. Last night, Peter happily runs into my room to let me know that another tooth fell out (it's number #7) and that he is so excited to have more money from the toothfairy. Great, because "our" toothfairy had to rummage through her entire house in order to find $1.oo. Thankfully, she found 4 quarters and exchanged them for the tooth. I advised the toothfairy to keep couple extra dollars just in case it's late one sunday night and a child looses a tooth!

Monday, October 13, 2008

pumpkin carving 101

Since Peter wasn't in school today, we decided to carve pumpkins. It was going great...until Peter figured out he had to scoop all the membranes and seeds out of his pumpkin. And...Kody, well, she was perfectly happy just scooping up the seeds that I scooped out of the pumpkins.
Here I am scooping out the third pumpkin...and despite the smile I am really tired of scooping pumpkins..
One hour later, with pumpkin guts and seeds spread all over the kitchen floor, we ended up with these.
here are our glowing pumpkins!

Sidebar: I can not wait until Monty comes home so he can do all this next year!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

off to the pumpkin patch..

Today, I took the kids to the Poppell Farms Pumpkin Patch. They had so much fun. Even though it started out a little rainy, the day turned out nice. Here are some pictures of us at the patch.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kody helps out...

Last night as I was packing my stuff for classes I put my glasses in my bag and zipped it up. At that time, Kody pointed to my bag and said "what?" I thought she wanted to know what am I doing, so I told her I am putting all my school stuff together so I will be prepared for tomorrow. And continued getting our stuff ready for the morning's rush out the door.
This is what I found in my eye case at school. I guess in her world, being prepared for school includes crayons. My friend laughed at me and said, "well you are an early childhood education major? At some point you will need crayons!"

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Another Sunday...

Today was general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in a nut shell, our Prophet and apostles and other church leadership address the worldwide membership of the church. It is filled with great counsel and wisdom. We listened to the first session at the church building and came home. Our ward usually has a potluck between the two Sunday sessions, but this year there wasn't one, so we had a picnic in our yard.

Here are some pictures of us afterwards...the orange stuff around Kody's mouth are the remains of Cheese Puffs. She loves them almost as much as I do!

This would of been a perfect day...but Monty isn't here.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Peter's hayride

Last night, Peter's school held their fall festival. It was a lot of fun for the kids. They both played typical fair type games, pick a duck, beanbag throw and ate hot dogs, soda pop, nachos, popcorn and of course took a turn on the hayride! This was Peter's favorite part as one of his favorite teachers (Mr.Cooke a second grade teacher) was driving the 4 wheeler that pulled the trailer!

Here are the pictures!