Sorry, here are some highlights of the last month or so...
One of my favorite photos of Monty and Kody. We took her to the mall and they have this huge carousal inside it. She was a little nervous at first, but then we nearly had to pry her off the thing!
One with me and Kody out on the lake. We all had a good time...although my arms were very sore!! Peter pretending to catch some waves....He really is a fish!!

This is Daddy trying to convince Kody that being on the board is fun....not working I'd say!!
This is at our ward Luau, we have a strong islander influence in our ward and it is such a great blessing!! We had dancing, food and plenty of fun! This is Erin, me and Kody. Erin (and Tia although not pictured) are her big sisters!
This one I blame solely on Grandpa Roy...he started this several Christmases back when he drove Cassandra and Arianna and Peter around in his Peter-Leo has "shared" this fun activity with Kody and of course...Monty....well it's his dad so at least we can blame genetics!
This is Daddy trying to convince Kody that being on the board is fun....not working I'd say!!